To me, the film “Miss Representation” hit all the points that people don’t seem to see in the media. It’s true that there’s some sort of bias towards women in the media, and it isn’t fair at all. Women are viewed in a negative way in just about everything they do, whether it’s a positive action or a negative action. To society, women can’t seem to win anything. This film was built solely on opinion and testimony and gave an excellent viewpoint on how women are viewed in the media. I was very engaged in this film, and was shocked at the way some of the women are looked at on television. It’s actually sad that women are sat on such a high pedestal, just to be looked down on as failures. It’s also a known fact that you don’t have to be on television just to be judged, and any female is judged every day. It’s as if women have to go to drastic measures just to be perfect, and it still doesn’t seem to be enough for our “critics”. When we’re dressed professionally, we’re not showing enough skin, but when we show just an ankle, we’re showing too much skin. It seems to be a no-win situation for women, but it’s time that someone stands up. “Miss Representation” was a great view to me, and showed me that women do care how they’re looked at want to do something about it. As women, all we have is each other so we have to be there for one another.
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